Monday 03rdFebruary | Day students report back |
Sunday 16th February | S. 1 boarding students report |
S. 4 & S. 6 class day | |
Monday 17th February | S. 1 day students report |
Beginning of term, I exams for S. 6 | |
Tuesday 18th – 25th Feb. | S.1 orientation |
Monday 02nd March | S. 5 students report |
Tuesday 03rd -7th March | S. 5 orientation |
Wednesday 05th March | Ash Wednesday |
Friday 07th March | MDD begin |
Saturday 08th March | Women’s day / Geography field work |
Sunday 09th March | Visitation day |
Saturday 16th March | Career’s day for S. 5 |
Sunday 30th March | Eid al-Fitr |
Friday 18th April | Good Friday/ Way of the cross |
Sunday 20th April | Easter Sunday |
Monday 21st April | (Easter Mon.) Welcome party for S. 1 & S. 5 |
Friday 11th April | End of term examinations begin |
Wednesday 23rd April | End of staff meeting |
Thursday 24th April | Closing term I |